Why, what mighty fine spectacles you’re wearing, several-years-ago Seamus! Rocking the same dumb haircut, though. Oh well. Thank you for reading! More go come about our new character next Friday. As always, thank you for reading!
Posts Tagged Seamu
Time to explore a new area of Babylon – tune in next week to find out more! As always, thank you for reading!
Not the usual pub chat, but the cantankerous old bartender has to get his grumpy rant in at some point. More to come from our Galway gang next Friday! As always, thank you so much for reading!
Skinny kid makes vague threats; polish vampire unimpressed. Welcome to the first strip of the new year! Here’s hoping there’s more story, strangeness, and sass in 2014. As always, thank you for reading!
That’s not ominous at all. Come back on Friday for more!
We are starting this chapter off with a bang. Yes, that pun was mandatory. As always, thanks for reading!
I’d say this is a good start, wouldn’t you? More to come on Friday. As always, thanks for reading!
What’s this? A discussion of magical items? For those of you who are confused, more will be revealed on Tuesday. As always, thank you for reading!