Yeah, lying to M.T. is definitely a good plan. I can’t see any way in which lying to your undead shotgun-wielding angry bureaucrat boss goes wrong. Nope.
See how it goes wrong next week! And as always, thank you for reading.
Yeah, lying to M.T. is definitely a good plan. I can’t see any way in which lying to your undead shotgun-wielding angry bureaucrat boss goes wrong. Nope.
See how it goes wrong next week! And as always, thank you for reading.
Definitely not working as intended. Tune in next week to find out what went wrong and why!
And, as always, thank you for reading!
Is that…. is that part of the ritual? Seems expensive. Find out more next Friday in City Under the Hill!
As always, thank you for reading!
Oh boy – Someone’s got red cheeks! Seamus, you need to get that under control. Find out more next Friday in City Under the Hill!
And, as always, thank you for reading.
Slim and Keisha hit the streets! Nightshade and Seamus, on the other hand, return to the scene of the mutual awkwardness. The silver lining in this is that M.T. just might get some peace and quiet, for once.
More to come next Friday!
As always, thank you for reading.