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Posts Tagged fighting
Not in M.T.’s house, pal. Come back next Friday for more! As always, thank you for reading.
“Scoot scoot” is by far the crowning sound effect of the comic to date. I’m just so proud. Come back on Friday for more! Thank you for reading!
How’s that barely functional knee doing, Seamus? Looks like our hero is a glutton for punishment. Tune in again Tuesday to find out how that goes for him.
Alas, Petrarski, we hardly knew ye. I’m sure you’re all so sad to see him go.
Yeah, he’s back. I’m sure no one’s surprised.
And Petrarski finally punishes Seamus for that oversight pages and pages ago. This is why you always ask people’s names! … among other reasons. Things are not looking so great for our hero! We’ll find out what happens next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not the most observant of werewolves, is he? Here we have the long-awaited, triumphant(?) return of Petrarski. We’ll see how Seamus fares on Friday. Thanks for reading!
More blood and punching. Just what you wanted, I’m sure! In other news, a few people asked for a higher res version of the Nine of Wands Tarot card, and/or a version without the border. Here it is! Warning:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Time for some fight scenes! Buckle your seat belts.